Dagger Component

October 15, 2022

Dagger is another crucial aspect of modern Android development, and it has been a preferred choice to handle dependency injection.

Dagger makes it easier to manage dependencies and enhances the efficiency of your application. In this blog, we will explore Dagger Component in Kotlin and how we can implement it in our project.

Dagger Component: A Brief Overview

Dagger component is the central management of a Dagger-powered application. It is an interface that lists dependencies requested by clients and its dependencies that need injection. The component describes the dependency graph of the application and performs as a bridge between providers and injectors. A component creates a dependency from providers and makes it ready for injection into the client application.

How Dagger Component Works

Dagger component works in four stages:

Annotation processing: Dagger scans your code for annotations to generate code snippets.

Code generation: The annotation processor creates the DaggerCast class files to inject dependencies.

Build and compilation: The DaggerCast class files are compiled with the application code.

Runtime usage: The compiled class files are used to instantiate Dagger components and inject dependencies.

Creating a Dagger Component

To create a Dagger component, we need to define an interface that declares the dependencies for injection using the @Component annotation. We need to create a module that provides the dependencies for the component to inject using the @Module annotation. After creating the module and component, we can compile the project, and Dagger will generate a Dagger implementation class.

Using Dagger Component in Code

The components act as a hub where providers and injectors meet, so you can use these components to accomplish that goal for your application. For example, you can use Dagger components to inject dependencies in your activities and fragments as well as Services, BroadcastReceivers, and other Android components. Annotating your dependencies will help Dagger to automatically generate code that handles dependency injection on their behalf.

Benefits of Dagger Component

Dagger component is an excellent tool for developers as it makes the code manageable and less error-prone. By employing Dagger, you can write cleaner, more robust, and scalable code. It offers several benefits, such as easy maintenance, extensibility, clarity, and performance enhancement.

With this blog, we’ve given you a comprehensive guide to Dagger component in Kotlin. This powerful feature of Dagger helps maintainable, bug-free, and high-performing code. We have learned how to create Dagger component, its benefits, and how it works in runtime. By adopting Dagger component in your project, you can achieve better dependency injection.

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